TripAdvisor releases its Second Annual Air Travel Survey where they asked more than 3,200 U.S. respondents dozens of questions about their air travel preferences. The topics ranged from airline fees to in-flight WiFi.
Here is what topped the charts:
-- Limited legroom and the need for more roomier seats
-- Fees, please no more! 55% of travelers said that checked
baggage fees where the most annoying current airline fee.
31% stated that seat fees would be added in 2010 and
peak date surcharges for additional top travel dates.
-- 74% feel that passengers of size should be required to
purchase tickets for two seats on their flights.
-- 30% would like in-flight WiFi but 61% would not be willing
to pay for it. 27% would be willing to pay $5 or less.
-- What about inappropriate web content access? 45% said
they would do nothing if the person sitting next to them on
the flight were accessing inappropriate content.
-- To avoid extra charges with luggage, 58% always or often
carry on their bag.
-- What about the Full Body Scanners? 79% of
travelers said they are comfortable with U.S. airports
using full body scanners that can see through clothes.
-- Small Talk- 73% of travelers said a little small talk with
seatmates is fine, but that they prefer to keep to
themselves for most of the flight.
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